Unfortunately, "I" am not the one getting the makeover ( maybe after I have baby #4-10 weeks and counting). But, my house is in the PROCESS of being "made-over". I know that my maternal instincts are supposed to be kicking in, but my addiction to all things manly is in over drive.
For part 1 of the things I've been up to..... Vintage sign overload! I am re-doing the boys room in a 1950's-60's era cowboy who know's what. I didn't want the room to look traditional cheesy cowboy, so I'm trying to add elements of rustic something. Ok, I can't explain it. It's in my head and hopefully when it's done it will make sense. But for now, here are a few elements I have made to add to the room.
My grandpa used to own a few 76 gas stations in California back in the 70's so I HAD to do an old 76 sign. I found a metal one online that I replicated using my jig-saw and a piece of my wood fence that my 6 yr old knocked down.

The plans for this table are found on Knock Off Wood HEREand the design inspiration again came from Funky Junk Interiors. I strongly urge you to visit Ana's site and dare you to not drool! She is so talented it's scary.
The table comes with an edge that is raised up higher than the table top, so that the Lego's don't fall off onto the floor. Again, I wanted to make it look like it was made with reclaimed signs and bits of wood. So easy, and it only cost me about $30 and one afternoon to make. Not bad since the tables like this at pottery barn cost $349. I chose to use the soft tubs underneath for now and like them. Still...MASSIVE SAVINGS!

And a new light from Ikea for only $30. LOVE this thing. Hubby picked it out!

Can't wait to show some of the other things that I'm working on!